Record maximum temperature in western Canada
Wednesday 30 June 2021
A temperature of 49.6 °C was recorded on June 29 at Lytton in the province of Bristih Colombia located in western Canada.
The village of Lytton, located northwest of the city of Vancouver (British Columbia) just recorded on June 29 the new Canadian record for maximum temperature with 49.6 °C which exceeded the 47.9 °C recorded on June 28 and the 46.6 °C recorded on June 27 at the same place.
These unprecedented heat for the country are explained by the phenomenon called "heat dome", high pressures trap the hot air above the region. This heat wave also hits part of the northwestern United States (Oregon, Washington). The climate is rather cold and humid in Portland (Oregon) and Seattle (Washington), but temperatures recorded reached 46.1 °C at the Portland airport and 41.6 °C at the Seattle airport, according to readings by NWS (National Weather Service), the US meteorological service.
Canada had never recorded temperatures above 45 °C. This heat wave hit western Canada, particularly the province of British Columbia as well as several areas of the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, North-Western Territory.
These unprecedented heat should have consequences in the months to come, especially on crops. With only 3% of its territory dedicated to agriculture, the province of British Columbia is renowned for its fruit crops, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries and raspberries, pears, cherries, apricots.
The consequences of these unprecedented heat will add to the labor problems experienced by producers in the province of British Columbia. Last year the pandemic caused a shortage of 6,000 to 8,000 workers in the province's agricultural sector. This year, labor problems are recurring with the closure of certain borders and the interruption of flights from Mexico and the Caribbean, making it difficult for foreign workers to arrive.
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