Risk of tomato shortage in Seychelles
Thursday 19 January 2017
Seychelles wants to protect itself from a pest by banning imports of tomatoes from South Africa.
The Seychelles have decided to ban (temporarily) imports of tomatoes from South Africa, which may cause a shortage.
The Ministry of Agriculture and the health authorities suspect the pest 'Tuta absoluta' after the discovery of a suspect sample, in the south of Mahe. Analyzes are under way at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (Benin).
The Seychelles Biological Safety Agency (115 islands) recalls that this destructive insect is a major threat and measures must be strong to avoid spreading to other islands.
The pest must have arrived in a lot of imported infected tomatoes. South Africa, which is one of the suppliers of the country, had announced an infestation a few months ago. Suspicious cargoes are destroyed and imports are prohibited.
source : seychelles news agency