F.Log. Direct: Barcelona, the Euromediterranean Hub of fresh produce trade
Tuesday 07 February 2017
FJ | Port de Barcelona
Complete solutions offered by the collaboration of MERCABARNA, AGEM and the PORT OF BARCELONA.
With the slogan "Barcelona, el hub euromediterráneo del comercio de productos frescos", MERCABARNA, AGEM and BARCELONA PORT offers, Hall 10.2 Stand B04, a unique logistics with complete solutions for connectivity, supply and distribution of foodstuffs fresh.
MERCABARNA, the Barcelona wholesale market, AGEM, the Association of Wholesale Entrepreneurs of Fruits and Vegetables in Barcelona and the Province, and the PORT OF BARCELONA, together on a common stand, offer innovative integrated solutions.
Importers, exporters and all operators can benefit from the cooperation of these 3 entities, for the variety of Fruits & Vegetables marketed and for transport solutions perfectly adapted to fresh products.
Finally, the "Food Trade Center" on the MERCABARNA facilitates the activity of the professsionales. Open recently, this workspace is equipped with all the services and technologies necessary for the activities. Available for rental over short periods, it targets the clientele of many foreign buyers who come to MERCABARNA regularly.