Anecoop announces citrus exports to Russia
MD | Anecoop S. Coop.
Anecoop, along with other operators, has started exports to Russia with it Citricos Valencianos IGP.
The first shipment, consisting of 2000 pallets from all operators, will leave the port of Castellón for Novorossiysk. It marks the beginning of the season for Spanish citrus fruit exported to Eastern countries. The citrus fruit, certified IGP Citricos Valencianos will increase the reach of products from Comunidad Valenciana.
Anecoop plans to send about 3,000 pallets of persimmons, oranges and tangerines during the winter season. Agrikoop, through its subsidiary in Moscow, last year sold about 12,000 tons of horticultural products and plans to increase its sales in Russia by 15%.
source : interempresas