The EU increased its fruit imports
Wednesday 27 July 2016
Increase in volume and value of fruit imports from third world countries.
According to data from the statistical office Eurostat, processed by FEPEX, EU imports of fruit from third world countries increased over the January to April 2016 period. With a total of 2.9 million tonnes and 3.039 million euros or +7% in volume and value compared to the same period in 2015.
Banana is the most imported fruit in the EU (1.4 million tonnes of bananas, or +6% more than during the same period in 2015). Among other products, pineapple, mango, avocado.
Costa Rica, Colombia and Ecuador are the EU's main suppliers of fruit. The volume of fruit exported from Costa Rica totaled 472,597 tonnes (+ 10%), Colombia 399 326 tonnes (+ 12%), Ecuador 397 968 tonnes (-4%).
source : fepex es