Dora® the new fully russeted golden apple
It was launched at Fruit Logistica Berlin by Pépinières Rispe and Escande.
Dora® is the new selection of golden, fully russeted apples. It was officially launched at a cocktail party on February 6 at the Berlin trade show. It is a cross between the Renetta Grigia di Torriana and GoldRush® varieties, and is the property of the Alma Mater Studiorum at the University of Bologna in Italy. It is characterized by its golden color, evenly russeted skin and very crunchy, juicy flesh with a sweet, slightly acidic flavor. It is harvested at the end of September in the South of France for long-term storage, or at the beginning of October for immediate consumption. It keeps for 6 months in normal cold storage and over 6 months in a controlled atmosphere.
Tested for 6 years
It has been selected by the French nurseries Rispe and Escande, who have exclusive proprietary rights throughout Europe. Dora® has been tested in Moissac orchards in South-West France since 2019. Nearly 10 hectares have already been planted and grafted, with production set to reach 120 tonnes in 2024 and 250 tonnes forecast for 2025. The CEFEL experimentation center validates its agronomic and technical levels, with an excellent storage quality and very good resistance to scab.
All the assets for success
" It's an atypical variety, ideal for growers because it's easy to grow, resistant and abundant. It's also very juicy and crunchy - taste qualities that meet the requirements of the Canadian-style russet apple market, and have been very well received by the consumers who have tested it ," enthuses Sébastien Rispe. The nurserymen's aim is to set up a Dora® quality supply-chain with licenced growers and distributors who will have to meet a few rules: plant or graft a minimum of one hectare, be GLOBALG.A.P. certified, and pay the chain an annual fee based on the size of the plot. Dora® plants are already available from winter 2025.
For more information, please write here.