II edition of the Meeting of Small Fruit Producers of Monte Alegre dos Campos will be held in June
The 2nd Meeting of Small Fruit Producers will take place on June 21 in the community hall of Capela Nossa Senhora do Carmo of Monte Alegre dos Campos (Brazil). The meeting is promoted by Emater/RS-Ascar, Municipality and Rizzoto Group.
The program will start at 8:30 am and will feature talks of professionals from the industry of blackberry, strawberry and raspberry crops.
The afternoon activities will be in the countryside, with visits to two important berry producing farms.
According to producers from Monte Alegre dos Campos, after the 1st edition of the Meeting of Small Fruit Producers held in 2019, the local berry production has significantly increased. In the 2019/20 campaign, the municipality had 2.20 hectares of blackberries, 1.24 of raspberries, 0.55 of blueberries, and 1.53 of strawberries. In the 2022/23 season, they expect 34.42 hectares of blackberries, 5.88 of raspberries, 2.35 of blueberries, and 8.53 of strawberries.
If you wish to participate, contact the Municipal Office of Emater/RS-Ascar by phone (54) 3612-1002 or WhatsApp (54) 9 9684-2126.