Potatoes surfaces decrease of 2.5%
For 2015 potatoes surfaces from the Northwest of Europe, are expected to decrease by at least 2.5%.
NEPG (North - Western European Potato Growers / Producers Potatoes North West Europe ) believes that the potato surfaces (excluding plant and starch ) through the 5 main countries producing potatoes in Northwest of Europe should fall by about 2.5% , to reach a total of about 530 000 hectares.
On the basis of the average yield over the past 5 years, to 47.2 t / ha and with an area of ??530,000 ha , production may be 25.2 million tons, 11.6 % less than last year.
Considering this potential output, acceptable prices are
not guaranteed to producers.The NEPG nevertheless believes that the final yields will influence the overall production , more than the area planted .
source : nepg org, cnipt fr