Threat to table grapes of Puglia region
Demand for Italian grapes, particularly from Puglia, collapsed.
The early entry of Brazilian grape on the market in Europe has reduced the demand for Italian grapes. Normally, the grapes of Brazil arrive in European markets at the end of November, this year they arrived at the end of September.
In Italy, the cost of grape production amounted to approximately 40 cents/kg but the market price is much less, about 20 cents/kg. However, with the treatments throughout the year and required labor, the production costs are incompressible.
Les producteurs alertent sur cette situation. Les ventes ont cessé, toute la région est menacée par les conséquences économiques. Les politiques proposent d'organiser des réunions (producteurs, associations, commerçants, chaînes de distribution) et des actions communes.
Producers alert to this situation. The sales have ceased, the entire region is threatened by the economic consequences. The politics suggest to hold meetings (producers, associations, retailers, retail chains) and common actions.
source : gazzetta del mezzogiorno it