
More resilient crops to cope with climate change

Wednesday 19 April 2017


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Climate change is already perceptible and is beginning to have an impact on some varieties of sweet potatoes that are more difficult to grow.

Root vegetables (yam, taro, cassava, sweet potato) are basic food products for the people of Vanuatu who are already seeing the adverse effects of climate change.

In Vanuatu, annual maximum temperatures have increased to 0.17 ° C per decade and by 2030 the increase is expected to be between 0.4 and 1.0 ° C.
VCAP (Vanuatu Coastal Adaptation Project) works to adapt crops and their ability to withstand extreme weather conditions.
Experts have multiplied trials on more than 50 varieties of sweet potatoes to study the effects of prolonged drought. Indigenous varieties and varieties from the Solomon Islands, Fiji Islands and other Pacific islands. They have been able to successfully identify the most resistant and productive varieties that can replace less efficient traditional varieties.



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