Air hole for apple and pear exports
Wednesday 03 July 2019
In Argentina, exports of apples and pears are less satisfactory this year.
While previous export campaigns had been very satisfactory, this year's campaign for apples and pears is mediocre according to Argentinian professionals.
This year the exports of apples and pears combine negative factors, after a production in decline that has limited exportable volumes, there has been a drop in international prices.
In the first four months of the year and according to Argentinian professionals, average prices for apples fell by 25% and average prices for pears fell by 19%. These factors, lower volumes and falling prices, resulted in an estimated loss of $70 million for the fruit sector of the Valle de Río Negro and Neuquén regions.
This fall in prices on the international market is explained by Argentinian professionals do to the high stocks of fruits in the northern hemisphere that have directly affected prices.
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