Bad start for Turkish agriculture in 2015
Hundreds of fruit and vegetable growers in many provinces of Turkey have suffered severe losses as a result of the recent floods and frost. The President of the Turkish Union of Agricultural Chambers (TZOB) Semsi Bayraktar, stated that many provinces have been hit, especially Edirne, Mugla, Bursa and Sakarya, which require immediate action.
The Turkish government announced that producers losing over 30% of their production will be able to suspend their loans from the bank Ziraat Bankasi and the Cooperative Agricultural Bank (TTKKMB). According to Consumer Associations in Turkey, the expected loss in production is likely to lead to a hike in fruit and vegetable prices.
It is worth noting that, in 2014, Turkish growers also faced bad weather conditions and many are seeking compensation from the government for the economic losses suffered. These problems were caused by severe drought and high temperatures, especially in January and February last year, when the trees blossomed earlier and became vulnerable to the frost that followed.