BIOTECH ATTRACTION conference series via the Fruit Attraction LIVEConnect platform
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Wednesday 14 October 2020
"The potential of agrobiology for the new agriculture" is the theme of this series of lectures (Photo:
Fruit Attraction LIVEConnect will host the BIOTECH ATTRACTION conference series whose theme is: "Agrobiology's Potential for the New Agriculture" / "The potential of agrobiology for new agriculture". Sessions organized on October 15, 22 and 29.
Sessions organized on October 15, 22 and 29 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Anyone interested can attend via the Fruit Attraction LIVEConnect platform, with the invitation code: FA200000003PE
According to Gonzaga Ruiz de Gauna, director of Biovegen which organizes these conferences, “The BIOTECH ATTRACTION series aims to show the technological trends that will mark the future of agriculture, as well as examples of innovative companies and projects that address these issues. BIOVEGEN, as a public-private association focused on supporting innovation in the sector and collaborating with FRUIT ATTRACTION, intends to show with this series the technological and financial opportunities that are opening up to the sector thanks to technological innovation, which offers new products, varieties, plant applications, new tools, greater production efficiency, less environmental impact, etc. In short, to show how the technological innovation of the sector, reinforced by tools resulting from a deep knowledge of plant biology, offers business opportunities and competitiveness to the entire value chain in the agrifood sector ".
The Conference on Thursday, October 15 is entitled “New Compounds from Plant Materials”. Representatives of the companies Grape, Naturbec, Bioento, Aleovitro, Green and Great will speak. As well as CITA (Aragón Agri-Food Research and Technology Center) which will present the MAPCROPS project.
The Conference on Thursday, October 22 is entitled “Management and public and private financing of the agro-biotechnology sector”. Representatives of CDTI Foreign Technology Action, Kaudal, Incotec, Zabala, Clave Mayor, Comida will speak.
The Conference on Thursday, October 29 will focus on “New Tools for Plant Health”. With representatives of the companies Sequentia Biotech, Valgenetics, Bioiberica, Glen Biotech. As well as the presentation of scientific projects from UA (University of Alicante) and the Italian project named Musa.
All sessions will be presented by Raúl Calleja, Director of Fruit Attraction, and Gonzaga Ruiz de Gauna, Director of Biovegen and will be followed by discussion and exchanges.