Avocado: fifth most exported agricultural product by Colombia
Monday 19 December 2022
The main destinations for Colombian avocados in 2022 are the Netherlands, the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain and Belgium. In total, Colombia sends this fruit to 30 countries. (photo: forbes.co)
The avocado industry in Colombia has been rapidly developing in the last 10 years. In 2021, the country exported 97,000 tons of the fruit, worth $204 million.
Today, this item occupies the fifth position in Colombian agricultural exports, while 12 years ago it was not positioned in any of the statistics. According to Jorge Enrique Restrepo, manager of CorpoHass, a union of Hass avocado producers, avocado is only surpassed by coffee, flowers, bananas and palm oil.
He specified that this year until September, according to official data, 76,000 tons were exported for $143 million, which reflects a growth of 9% compared to the same term of the previous season.
The main destinations for Colombian avocados in 2022 are the Netherlands, the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain and Belgium. In total, Colombia sends this fruit to 30 countries.
source: agronegocios.co