Ministers of Agriculture of 6 Latin American countries unite to stimulate banana sector
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Thursday 06 January 2022
In October 2021, representatives of the banana sector from Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Costa Rica expressed their concern that European, British and American supermarkets are demanding to raise standards, but lower banana prices.(
On January 12, 2022, a Latin American summit will be held to develop a plan to combat the fungus Fusarium oxysporum (Foc R4T) and define a strategy against high production costs of bananas in the region.
The summit will be held virtually. So far, the Ministers of Agriculture of Colombia, Guatemala, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Panama are invited.
According to the Minister of Agriculture of Ecuador, Pedro Álava, the banana sector is hit by the prices imposed by the large distribution chains that apply quality controls and standards to the producers, despite the increase in inputs and freight that make the activity more expensive.
In October 2021, representatives of the banana sector from Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Costa Rica expressed their concern that European, British and American supermarkets are demanding to raise standards, but lower banana prices.
Those countries also called for the unity of banana producers to achieve the price revision in 2022.