The 17th UNPT congress in Paris
Monday 20 January 2020
An annual day of discussion, which has become an unmissable event, with the participation of all stakeholders in the sector (Photo: unpt).
UNPT (National Union of Potato Producers) is organizing its next national congress in Paris. The theme of this 17th edition is "What models of potato production for tomorrow?"
This 17th Congress of the UNPT will take place on January 27 and 28 in Paris. The 1st day is reserved for UNPT delegates with a general assembly. During the second day, the 2019 activity reports and the 2020 orientations will be detailed. Then the flagship theme of this congress will be the subject of a round table.
Arnaud Delacour, President of the UNPT declares: "The theme of our 17th congress is ambitious: it aims to explore the models resulting from the adaptation process of our companies to an environment in profound change.
For example, how should we produce to be in tune with the consumers of today and tomorrow? How are we going to combine the requirements of sustainability and economic performance? What organizational model are we going to put in place to increase the resilience of our operations?
It may seem presumptuous to formulate an answer to all these questions, it is even likely that the models which will govern our daily life in the near future are not even conceivable today. But asking the right questions is already preparing to implement the right solutions. "
17ème Congrès de l'UNPT
Tuesday 28 January 2020
Espace du Centenaire (Maison de la RATP)
189 Rue de Bercy,
75012 Paris