The French Garden now also on the Bristoll wholesale market.
United Kingdom
Monday 01 November 2010
After having made quite a name for themselves in the UK as well as in France, the importer and wholesaler The French Garden located on the New Covent Garden in London has now opened a stand on Bristoll’s wholesale market.
The French Garden specialises in French produce which arrives daily on their own refrigerated trucks. The company works closely with growers in France who send their produce to the French Garden’s refrigerated depot in Rungis, Paris, where the quality is checked and then delivered to London the same day. The French Garden has BRC accreditation, so you can be assured that the produce is handled correctly and efficiently. The company offers a nationwide delivery service in the UK.
The French Garden’s refrigerated warehouse has a fruit department with it’s own team of salesmen and a mushroom fridge containing a truck or two of assorted fungi. The French Garden team stocks a range of Boiron frozen purees, Agen prunes, Callebaut chocolate, saffron and many other exotic products.
For more details, you may contact the French Garden on the New Covent Garden by phone : +44(0) 207 498 0277, or by Email You may also contact the Bristoll office +44(0)117 977 9000 or visit the company website .