Russia now banned the import of Turkish eggplant.
While the import of many fruits and vegetables originating from Turkey is banned in Russia since November 24, eggplant adds to this already long list.
Rosselkhoznadzor, the Russian Agency for Food Control, announced that the import of aubergines from Turkey would be banned from April 25th because they contain "health-damaging substances", and that therefore direct imports or through third countries are prohibited.
The spokes person of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zaharova Mariya, said that in his opinion, relations between the Turkish government and Moscow were not ready to improve.
The export of Turkish vegetables in March 2016 increased by 40 percent in quantity but decreased by 2 percent in value, reflecting the decline in Russian imports by 82 percent!
Turkish exporters in cooperation with the Turkish Government, which supports through incentives, are looking for new markets.
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