Montreal will be the American capital of ... strawberry
Thursday 22 April 2010
Quebec increased its production of strawberries and is now in third position after California and Florida
The North American Strawberry Grower Association (NASGA) is going to organize its next meeting in Montreal.
Quebec arrives in third position for the production of strawberries in North America, after California and Florida.
The annual production of Quebec varies from 5000 to 10 000 tons, still indeed far from the 1 million tons of California.
The Canadian climate prevents naturally a production 12 months a year, but new plantations and new methods of culture allow now to spread the production over 6 months.
Quebec wishes to compete with the Californian products, to meet the needs of the internal market but also to export on its local markets as Boston and New York who can turn out very profitable.
Montreal will shelter the summer meeting of the NASGA from August 17th to 19th when are expected around hundred professionals of the sector.
source : lapresseaffaire et NASGA