2018 potato areas are on the rise in Northwestern Europe
All countries
Tuesday 15 May 2018
The North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) announces for next season an area 6.7% higher than the average of the last 5 years.
NEPG (North West European Potato Growers' Group) estimates that the top 5 producing countries will plant more potato acreage than last year.
All countries report relatively late plantings. On the continent, work is almost complete, while in Britain, only half was done during the first week of May. France, Belgium and Germany increased their area, while the Netherlands would have reduced by 2.5%.
Based on these estimates, a total of 585,608 hectares would be planted this year in NEPG. This is an increase of 0.4% over last year and 6.7% above the average of the last 5 years, which exceeds the growth of the processing industry. In several countries (France and Germany) the trend is to produce less potatoes for the fresh market and more industrial potatoes.
source : unpt