More agricultural products expected in 2015
The Institute declares end May that “an increase is expected in the production of cereals and other crops, fruits and vegetables in the first estimation of 2015 respectively of 9.6 %, 6.1 % and 3.2 % compared with the previous year. Production quantities of cereals and other crops, vegetables and fruits in 2015 are predicted approximately as follows: 65.3 million tons for cereals and other crops, 29.5 million tons for vegetables and 18.2 million tons for fruits.
TÜIK has estimated that in 2015, cereal production will increase by 17.5 % compared with 2014 and become approximately 38.4 million tons.
Wheat production is expected to increase by 18.4 % to reach 22.5 million tons, barley production by 27 % to 8 million tons, rice in the husk production should increase by 10.8 % to 920,000 tons and maize production by 5.9 % to 6.3 million tons, compared with 2014.
Despite the expected rise in Turkey’s cereal production after a drought year, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has expected a decrease of around 1.5 % in global cereal production, to 2.51 billion tons.
Turkey’s cereal production decreased 12.7 % last year to 32.7 million tons, due to harsh drought conditions.
Vegetables production is expected to increase in 2015 compared with the previous year as well. The production of vegetables in 2015 has been estimated to be approximately 29.5 million tons, an increase of 3.2 % when compared with the previous year.
When examining production of subgroups of vegetables, root and tuberous vegetables, production is expected to increase by 5 %, other vegetables not elsewhere classified by 0.6 % and vegetables cultivated for their fruits are expected to increase by 3.2 %.
It is also estimated that fruit production will be 18.2 million tons in 2015, increasing by 6.1 % compared with the previous year.
Source : hürriyetdailynews