Andalusia forecasts a higher almond crop of 30% for 2019-20
Tuesday 28 May 2019
The next almond crop in Andalusia is expected to reach 14,950 tonnes.
Sector professionals with agricultural organizations (ASAJA, COAG, UPA) and agro-food cooperatives from Andalusia met to establish the first estimate of the 2019-20 campaign.
This estimate for the 2019-2020 crop year is 14 950 tonnes, 30% higher than the 11 500 tonnes harvested the previous year. Good weather conditions favored the development of flowering. The expected increase in volume is directly related to new plantings integrated into production.
By province, the forecast is 4,600 tonnes (+ 30%) for Granada, which remains the main producing area, 3,400 tonnes (+ 10%) for Almería, 3,500 tonnes (+ 52%) for Sevilla, which normal volumes, 1,450 tonnes (+ 30%) for Málaga and 1,200 tonnes (+ 33%) for Córdoba.
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