Davis Produce Ltd has opened an office in the Netherlands.
United Kingdom
Tuesday 02 November 2010
After opening an office in Terminiers,France (45), and in Turkey, the importer/exporter Davis Produce Ltd. has decided to open an office in the heart of the european fruit and vegetable market: Holland. Davis (Produce) Ltd has over 100 years of experience in the fresh produce industry, as the business has been passed from generation to generation. Indeed, as far back as the 1940's the family were leaders in the production and distribution of fresh produce. Today the company continues to go from strength to strength building on a solid base of trust and dedication to the fresh produce industry.
All the growers and producers are carefully selected for their quality, reliability and professional approach to growing and marketing. They are able to offer full traceability, full pesticide and residue accounting and applications. And furthermore, the shipments are regularly controlled by third parties to ensure that all terms and conditions are strictly adhered to Davis Produce Ltd’s growers are also able to offer both spot and fixed prices for both conventional and organic products, and the Davis team is able to offer an extensive range of products from around the world.
For more information, you can contact Davis Produce’s head office in the UK at +44 1507 600 969 (fax : +44 150 760 0491)or the dutch office at +31 788 907 690 (fax : +31 788 907 699), or visit the company’s website www.davisworldwide.co.uk .