Spain welcomes the whole world at Fruit Attraction
Friday 22 October 2010
Fruit attraction is extending with more exhibitors compared to the last year (+30%) and an increase of 55 % of the surface.
Fruit Attraction, the big Spanish exhibition of the fruit and vegetables sector, is growing.
The number of exhibitors considerably increased this year, 460 that is 30 % more than in 2009. The exhibition occupies 11.000 m2 that is an increase of surfaces of 55 %.
The institutional representation will be managed by the Ministry of the Environment, the rural business and delegations coming from Andalusia, Murcia, Navarre, Castilla-Leon, and Basque region, Estremadura, Canary Islands, Catalonia, Rioja, Aragon, Madrid, Valencia, Galicia and La Castilla Mancha.
Numerous companies are coming from Algeria, Argentina, France, Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands and Portugal, among others.
Source: fruit attraction, ABC