ACTIV offers apples and more than that ...
FJ | Activ Sp z o. o.
The ACTIV PPHU company produces and exports fruits and vegetables. Family business , the company is located in the Mazovia region ( Poland) , a region known for its agricultural production.
With research policy of quality at all stages from the orchard to the customer , ACTIV produces apples (varieties Jonagored , Sampion , Idared , Gloster , Gala Must, Golden Delicious ), pears, plums, raspberries, blueberries. The company has a capacity to deliver large volumes on a regular basis , already exporting to almost all European countries and to other continents.
Since 2011 the company offers ACTIV ROYAL APPLE , apple juice 100% natural (Bag -in-Box of 3 liters and 5 liters). Given the strong demand met and believing that it is the adoption of more natural lifestyles and the desire for a healthier diet that boosts sales, ACTIV has launched other juice flavors. Now offering a dozen different flavors for its apple juice and 100 % natural fruit.
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