Profitable Online Purchasing from Felix Instruments and CID Bio-Science
Felix Instruments and CID Bio-Science announced about an easier way to purchase the instruments. Now, with every quote from both companies, a "BUY NOW" link will be included in custom’s email and they can choose which instrument(s) from their quote they want to purchase, as well as add accessories and warranties.
It is worth noting that all purchases still begin the same way – to click "Request a Quote" on companies websites and to submit buyer’s contact information through the form. After, Felix Instruments and/or CID Bio-Science will send to purchaser a quote via email and then he can complete his purchase online. The purchase can check out directly through the portal using a credit card OR by choosing wire transfer and details will be sent to buyer on how to complete the transfer.
As a celebration of new checkout system and thankfulness for interest in CID Bio-Science and Felix Instruments, the companies are makes 5% discount on all products. If the custom purchase an instrument using new online platform before August 15, 2020, he can use the code ‘CHECKOUT5’ to receive 5% off all products in his order (discount does not apply to warranties).
Felix Instruments is a company with more than 25 years of experience in the design of instruments for agricultural and environmental research. Focusing on pre- and postharvest applications, the company helps fresh market professionals maximize the value of their products with Felix Instruments’ line of portable Gas Analyzers and NIR Produce Quality Meters.
The parent company, CID Bio-Science, Inc. was established in 1989 with the introduction of state-of-the-art handheld photosynthesis system, and since then developed 13 instruments to measure plant function, continuously employing innovations and technologies.
Full information about companies’ products can be found on website.