Africa has set up a free trade area covering 26 countries
The "Tripartite" includes the eastern half of the African continent: the countries of the Common Market of Southern Africa and Eastern States (Comesa), those of the East African Community (EAC) and those of the Development Community (SADC).
With the 2 most developed economies of the continent (South Africa, Egypt), dynamic countries (Ethiopia, Angola, Mozambique, Kenya) the "Tripartite" has more than 625 million inhabitants and represents over 1,000 billion GDP (900 billion euros). The area can be ranked 13th in the world in terms of GDP.
The treaty must be ratified within 2 years by the parliaments of 26 countries. The removal of customs barriers calendar is not yet established. In Africa, only 12% of trade takes place between countries of the continent, against 55% in Asia and 70% in Europe.
source : afp reuters