Save up to 35% on energy costs with RESS ripening energy saving system
VU | Cold Energy S.r.l.
Expert in industrial refrigeration, Cold Energy, will supply international markets with a revolutionary application for ripening rooms. The key benefit of the technology is helping to save up to 35% on energy costs, and thus reducing levels of CO2 produced for the ripening process
“We launched this application 6 years ago in Italy, where the energy cost was already a nightmare, and today, where all the world is struggling with the same problem, we decided to push it to the international market.”, says Massimiliano Castagna, Cold Energy Sales Manager.
“Our application, RESS ripening energy saving system, is a special software linked to the variable frequency drive (VDF) and to the PROBA ripening control processor or other similar ripening processor. It reduces the speed of the fans, without any negative impact on the ripening quality.”, comments Castgna.
Adaptable for all types of the ripening rooms, RESS is now available for purchase worldwide.
“The application’s payback is only one year.”, assures the manager.