The AREFLH network has grown
Tuesday 03 April 2018
AREFLH (the Assembly of European Fruit, Vegetable and Horticultural Regions) has just held its General Assembly and the AREFLH College of Regions seminar in Brussels.
Meetings that led to the development of the AREFLH position on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy. The results of this debate, will be the subject of a subsequent consultation by the College of Producers before being definitively validated in the board of directors.
AREFLH gave the floor to the 4 new regions that joined its network in 2017: the region of Valencia (Spain), Grand-Est (France), Hauts-de-France (France) and the Aosta Valley (Italy) have presented the specificities of their fruit and horticultural productions in their territories. Jean-Louis Moulon, Vice-President and President of the AREFLH Producers' College commented on this subject, stating that "the intense efforts of recent years to expand the AREFLH network are taking their toll".