The irresistible rise of the cucumber
Monday 17 July 2017
FJ | Bel'Orta
Cucumbers are now in 2nd place in the TOP10 of BELORTA vegetables.
Whereas the area dedicated to cucumbers in 2000 was 55 hectares, in 2015 it reached 197 hectares and 220 hectares in 2016. For this year BELORTA announces that the areas dedicated to cucumbers remain stable.
This development of cucumbers areas has led to a prodigious boom in production which has been accompanied by an efficient marketing, based on a response adapted to the demands. The buyer can choose the packaging he wishes. Thus in 2016, cucumbers have been marketed in more than 20 different packaging types.
Cucumbers are sold by unit and sorted by weight unit: + 750g, + 600g, + 500g, + 400g, + 350g, + 300g and + 250g. Cucumbers with a unit weight of 400 g are the most common commercial size.
Another spectacular development is the organic cucumber, which has grown from 68,000 units in 2014 to 517,000 units in 2016. Originally destined for the Belgian retail market, organic cucumber has been exported since last year.
BELORTA cucumbers are exported to a number of European countries, such as the Netherlands, Germany and France.
source: belorta professionnal be