Custard apple festival to be held next week
Friday 19 April 2024
On April 27 and 28, the district of Callahuanca, in the province of Huarochirí (Lima, Peru), will celebrate the XXVIII Custard Apple Festival, which is expected to attract around 20,000 visitors.
The festival will offer a variety of activities, from training to improve the production and presentation of the best cherimoyas and their derivatives, such as ice cream, sweets and even bread, to the presentation of typical dances of the region.
In addition to cherimoya, other products such as Chirimpisco (based on pisco and custard apple pulp), custard apple bread and other derivatives such as manjar and nectar will be exhibited.
The record of a custard apple weighing 4 kilos 700 grams, held by Callahuanca for the last 5 years, is a source of pride for its inhabitants, who have improved their crop over time with the support of specialized agencies such as Inia and Senasa, thus achieving a high quality product.