Volume estimated at 1,110,000 tons of lemons for the 2019-20 season
Monday 21 October 2019
Good volume level for this 2019-20 campaign (Photo: lajimansa.blogspot.com)
Spain will consolidate its position as the leading supplier of lemons in the EU. AILIMPO's estimates the lemon harvest for the 2019-20 season a volume of 1,110,000 tonnes.
The initial estimate established last June was confirmed a few weeks ago. AILIMPO estimates that for the 2019-20 campaign the volume will reach 1 110 000 tonnes of lemons.
That is a decrease of about 15% compared to the record production of 2018-19 (1,300,000 tons) but + 4% compared to the average of the last years.
By variety, a decrease of 11% is expected for the FINO variety and 24% for the VERNA variety. The Fino Variety campaign began the last week of September and ramped up to full speed in October.
This volume for the 2019-20 campaign predicts a consolidation of the commercial position in Europe, where the Spanish lemon maintains undeniable leadership.
source : ailimpo.com