Looking for an engaged, motivated and happy trader
Swiss company active in the production and distribution of fruit and vegetables , wants to boost its research team and is looking for a trader who is committed , motivated and above all happy ... !
Swiss SMEs whose production with its suppliers and the development of products with customers are the "heart" of the newspaper business . Our base is located on the shores of the Lake of Geneva and our network expand on the EU and some countries in the southern hemisphere . We offer collaborative conditions more than comfortable and all assistance to the establishment of the person during the formation of minimum a year
We are asking :
- A man or a woman, sales experienced in the Fruits and Vegetables market, who was daily aware of the trading market.
- Available to travel,
-In collaboration with the head, able to take decisions on production/buy/sales/logistic/customes processus while respecting the charges book of our clients (retailers/etc.)
-Excellent atitude in the direct prospection or clients files existing in order to ensure the continuous approach in relation with the demands of clients. (products, season, varieties etc...)
- A salesman "spirit", a "marchant" will be his/hers identity and will communicate the simple and humanist values of our business.
- Nous attendons de l’anticipation, un esprit de prospection, de la connaissance des Fruits & Légumes, du réseau qu’il saura utiliser à l’initiation de son business.
-We are looking for anticipation, a prospection spirit, knowledge of Fruits and Vegetables, network which he will be able to use for the business.
-Languages: Italian, French, speak and write fluently (German, Spanish, English is recommended)
Send your CV to : sr@fructidor.com who will transmit it.