MACFRUT 2014: a rich program of events for all sectors
Nearly 30 conferences are planned, not including bilateral meetings between companies and foreign delegations. The MACFRUT 2014 trade fair will be rich in events for the entire supply chain, confirming thereby its role as major event for the industry.
The day before the show opens, a major conference will be devoted to asparagus ("Asparago, una coltivazione che guarda al futuro”/ l'asperge,, a culture that looks to the future). Then another conference is planned over the pears with the study of problems, prospects and opportunities in the production and commercialization.
On Wednesday 24, a roundtable discussion on traceability in the supply chain will start the day. Then a meeting with scientists from Technopole Cesena will address the problems of food and fruit and vegetables. Then a meeting on technology exchange and comparison of agricultural sectors between Italy and Brazil. Other events of the day: an update on the operation "Fruit to School"; the Association Coldiretti will discuss strategies for the future of Italian Fruits & Vegetables sector; Internet and applications with the example of the Red Apple Cuneo IGP.
On Thursday 25, conference on forum World Food Expo 2015 in Milan, then AREFLH meeting, the association of European fruits and vegetables producing regions. Then conference on disposable and reusable packaging followed by another conference on biodiversity. Then a roundtable discussion on "Tunisia, a strategic location for companies in the Mediterranean" and a meeting on renewable energy. Finally, a conference on collaboration with Brazil and the possibilities for the agro-industrial sector, another diseases of kiwis, and on the latest variety of strawberries.