Very positive results for the agricultural sector in Emilia-Romagna
Tuesday 29 May 2018
A region of excellence, Emilia-Romagna has around forty recognized DOP and IGP products including its famous pears.
Key sector in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna, the agricultural sector once again shows remarkable results: increase in value, job growth, export performance.
In Emilia-Romagna, the agricultural sector recorded, for the 3rd year in a row, an increase in the value of production which exceeded 4.8 billion euros (+ 6.6%), a new record for the sector. Employment grew by 5% and young people's return to land increased with 2.8% more businesses.
Good performance also for the agri-food industry which recorded a 2.9% increase in its turnover as well as exports which were greater than 6.2 billion euros at the end of the year (+ 5.1%) . In the organic sector, increases in surface area (+ 13%) and number of companies (+ 10%).
source : ansa it