The SIIM has joined the United Nations Global Compact
The SIIM joined the United Nations Global Compact on March 23, 2015 and is committed to promote and respect the 10 principles that support and are grouped into four areas: Human Rights, Labour Standards, Environment, Fight against corruption.
The SIIM, joining this international initiative (designed to bring together both companies, UN agencies, the working world and civil society on universal principles) wishes to continue its involvement in the promotion and dissemination of responsible practices worldwide. It also wishes to propose a framework for its overall approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) integrates its quality policy, environmental policy, social policy and its action in favor of the general interest.
Each year, the SIIM now will report on progress of its CSR approach to the Global Compact of the bodies through a "Communication on Progress" (CoP). Specialist pineapple for over 35 years, the SIIM offers all year around pineapples recognized for their quality.
Next to the Extra Sweet of Terrasol brand leader in the production of pineapple in Ecuador, the SIIM also offers 2 other varieties under the brands Fine and Dibra: pineapple Cayenne (grown in Cameroon) and pineapple Bread sugar (produced in Benin, available 12 months out of 12).
source : siim