Fruits & Vegetables consumption: the upward trend is confirmed
Wednesday 04 April 2018
The upward trend observed since 2014 was confirmed in 2017.
According to a recent CSO SERVIZI report, the results for 2017 confirm the upward trend for fruit & vegetables consumption. In percentage, the increase recorded in 2017 is + 2.2% and totals + 12.4% over the 2013-17 period.
The CSO SERVIZI report reveals that Italian households in 2017 purchased 8,517,786 tonnes of Fruits & Vegetables for domestic consumption, or 180,573 tonnes more than in 2016. In percentage, this is an increase + 2.2%.
Taking into account the previous 5 years, the increase reached + 12.4%. Indeed, 2013 was particularly negative for the consumption of Fruits & Vegetables, marking a historical low. It was not until 2014 that consumption began a positive cycle. Positive cycle confirmed each year by the increase in volumes.
source : cso servizi