Florida orange output estimate reduced by 3 million boxes
United States
Monday 19 January 2009
Florida’s orange crop estimate for the 2008-09 season has been reduced by 3 million boxes.
The crop is now pegged at 162 million boxes.
“This is a manageable crop and hopefully the reduced production will spur higher prices to growers because right now they are facing very high input costs associated with disease pressure and fertilizer prices,” said Michael W. Sparks, executive vice president and CEO of Florida Citrus Mutual, in a news release. “We are in the middle of a very challenging season.”
The lower estimate is attributed to decrease in the forecast for early/midseason varieties and navels. The early and midseason crop is now projected at 84 million boxes, down from 87 million boxes.
The grapefruit estimate remains at 23 million boxes. Florida specialty fruit is also unchanged.
The forecast comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The first one came out in October and it’s revised monthly until the end of season in July.