launches a new volume for "Asia Pacific Americas" markets
Next september, the database will be extended to a huge area formed by "Asia, Pacific and Americas".
Well known in Europe since its creation, has built the best database for fruit & vegetable professionnals, collecting and checking year after year all necessary details from every single traders, importers, exporters, producers of fruit & vegetables in Europe.
Once, European leader in this strategiv information service, Fructidor has developped the same extended work for Central & Eastern Europe (volume 2) and for "Africa & Midddle East" (volume 3).
Next september another part of the world will be added to this huge world database, allowing any professionnal to select and choose who are the more suitable partners in this industry.
Fructidor information is still available on paper issues, and also on internet .
Part of the information is free of charge, and most of the valuable info is available with a yearly subscribtion.
Apart from the database services, is also delivering a daily news service, free of charge on its website:
Every company of the sector (producer, importer,exporter, trader, broker, wholesaler) can be referenced free of charge by giving us the company details.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information at