Decline in export of Turkish fresh produce
According to statistics published by the Mediterranean Exporters Union Coordinator for the Turkish fruit and vegetable sector, there is a total decline in Turkish fruit and vegetable exports by 9 per cent in quantity and 20 percent in value compared to November 2014. The mandarin is the first product exported, followed by lemon, orange and tomato.
Citrus exports account for the biggest share with 66 percent of total exports and the decline is less important (-3 percent in quantity). There is an increase of 50 percent in exports of oranges but even if mandarins represent half of citrus exports, the level is a quarter lower than a year earlier for the same period.
It is mainly the most affected exports of fruits, with - 26 percent in quantity to -44 per cent in value. The fruits represent 16 percent of total exports. The first product exported is pomegranate, followed by grapes and chestnut but even these products have experienced a significant declines. If we look at importing countries, Russia, despite a 40 percent drop in its imports remains the first importing country with 38% of total exports of fruit followed, far behind, by Iraq and Germany.
Vegetables, in turn, represent 17 percent of total exports. The tomato is in 1st place with about 40 percent of total exports of vegetables, followed by cucumbers and peppers. Again, it is Russia which, with 43 percent of total exports of vegetables is the first importing country. Iraq is in second position and the surprise 3rd place is Israel, whose imports increased 10,000 times compared to November 2014.
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