The consumption of mangoes and avocados is booming in Europe
All countries
Monday 14 May 2018
Organized as part of MACFRUT 2018, this 1st TROPICAL FRUIT CONGRESS brought together over 300 professionals and experts from around the world.
The first European summit on avocados and mangoes, TROPICAL FRUIT CONGRESS, is a real success, more than 300 producers, exporters and experts of tropical fruits worldwide were present.
The 1st session, coordinated by Roberto Della Casa (Agroter, University of Bologna), focused on marketing and quality.
Elisa Macchi, director of CSO (Centro Servizi Ortofrutticoli), gave an overview of the European markets, in particular the French, German and Italian markets:
France consumes more avocados with 114,000 tonnes consumed in 2016, showing almost constant growth over the last 10 years (+ 42% from 2007 to 2016). Mango consumption is 40 000 tonnes, with an increase of 76% over the last 10 years.
In Germany mangoes are more popular with nearly 65,000 tons of this fruit consumed in 2016, an increase of 56% compared to 2007. For lawyers, in the last 10 years, volumes have almost tripled and reach 47,000 tons in 2016 (+ 24% compared to 2015).
Italy has lower volumes but a higher growth trend. The consumption of avocado rose from 3 600 tonnes in 2007 to over 13 000 tonnes in 2016 (+ 261%), mango consumption almost doubled from 4 500 tonnes in 2007 to almost 9 000 tonnes in 2016.
source : macfrut