8% growth in volume and 5.5% in value for Spanish exports in 2019
Wednesday 26 February 2020
EU countries remain the main export markets for Spain with a share of 93% in volume and 92% in value (Photo: friendlymadrid.com).
The development is positive for Spanish fruit and vegetable exports in 2019. With growth of 8% in volume and 5.5% in value compared to 2018.
According to official data taken up by FEPEX, Spanish exports of fresh fruit and vegetables in 2019 amounted to 13.5 million tonnes (+ 8% compared to 2018) and to EUR 13.542 million (+ 5.5% compared to 2018).
In 2019 vegetable exports in 2019 amounted to 5.6 million tonnes (+ 5%) and € 5.752 million (+ 9%), with an average export unit value of 1.02 € / kg (-3.4%) ¨For the majority of vegetables the finding is positive, except for tomatoes, whose sales fell in volume to 767,368 tonnes (-5.5%) and in value to € 922 million (-0.5%).
In 2019 fruit exports reached 7.8 million tonnes (+ 9.5%) for a value of € 7.789 million (+ 3%). The average export price is 1 euro / kg (-5.7%). After citrus fruits, the most exported fruits are stone fruits with 1.044 million tonnes (+ 9.4%) and € 1.086 million (-1.5%). Red fruit reached 440,292 tonnes (+ 13%) and €1.410 million (+ 6%).
Exports to the EU in 2019 increased by 7% in volume and 4% in value, for a total of 12.5 million tonnes and € 12.454 million, representing respectively 93% and 92% of the total exported. Exports to third countries increased by 22% in volume and 19% in value, for a total of 971,235 tonnes and € 1.088 million.
source : fepex es