New visual for "French apple" Blue Whale
FJ | Blue Whale Sas
New visual for the new season 2013-14.
Blue Whale returns to the original: the plant world. A tree, an apple tree, which symbolizes nature, but also the commitment of its growers for a reasonable farming and the production of healthy fruits.
The Blue Whale apple consists of symbols of French culture abroad (Eiffel Tower, baguette bread ...) and words illustrating the expertise and quality Blue Whale. This treated original graphic, between authenticity and modernity, evokes the Group's values??. From the heart of the tree, emerging a beautiful red apple and signature already well known and reputable to professionals: "The French apple!"
With this new visual, Blue Whale establishes the French origin and quality of its fruits and wishes to strengthen this way its positions in 70 countries, while developing new markets.