Apricot: late harvest and lower production
The French apricot production is revised downward
La production d'abricots est estimée par le Ministère de l’Agriculture à 156 400 tonnes. Soit en baisse de 18 % par rapport à la récolte abondante de 2012, mais dans la moyenne 2008-2012.
Apricot production is estimated by the Ministry of Agriculture to 156 400 tonnes, down by 18% compared to the abundant harvest of 2012, but within the average 2008 to 2012.
in Rhône-Alpes region, the early varieties are considerably scarce due to bad weather. In Languedoc-Roussillon, a delay of two weeks is up compared to a classic year. In the PACA region, the production would be by 35% lower compared to the abundant harvest of 2012.
source : agreste agriculture gouv fr