Live from Fruit Logistica: Italy's space exceeds 1,000 m2
Thursday 08 February 2024
The Italian Minister for Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida (right), came to inaugurate the Italy area. On the left, Paolo Bruni, Chairman of CSO Italy (Photo: facebook/CSOItaly).
Coordinated by CSO Italy with the support of Fruitimprese and the Calabria Region, the 'Italy, the Beauty of Quality' collective space covers more than 1,000 m2 in Hall 2.2.
The space brings together 40 companies that produce, process, market and export a wide range of Italian fruit and vegetables. These include citrus fruits and strawberries, as well as the main Italian products, such as kiwis, pears, apples, table grapes and summer fruits.
The companies present in the collective area 'Italy, the Beauty of Quality':
STAND A-10: Alegra, Brio, Jingold, Naturitalia, Opera
STAND A-20: Agribologna, Agribologna/Conor, AOP Luce, CIV, Granfrutta Zani, Mazzoni, Tagliani Vivai International, Terremerse, Orogel Fresco
Stand A-21: Artibel, Autorità Portuale Gioia Tauro, Carpe Naturam, Consorzio del Bergamotto, Consorzio del Cedro di Calabria, Consorzio di tutela Cipolla Rossa di Tropea IGP, Consorzio di tutela del Limone di Rocca Imperiale, Consorzio Produttori Patate Associati, O.P. Copam Toc, O.P. Natura, O.P. Orizzonte
STAND A-30: Agricola Ci.Da, AL.MA, Ceor, Coop. San Giorgio, Fruitimprese, Fruit Project, Kingfruit, Nava, Salvi Unacoa, O.P.
STAND A-31: Origine Group
STAND A-40: Apofruit Italia, Canova, Mediterraneo Group
STAND B-30: Regione Calabria
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