Citrus fruit, Valencia expects crop at 4 mln tons
The first estimates forecast a crop of 3,953,416 tons, against 3.1 million tons in 2007/2008.
“It is going to be a well-balanced supply granting the products’ distribution to every market throughout the whole campaign, especially since February”, minister Hernández declared.
A special effect will have the recovering of the lemon crop, rising by 73.7% - however still below the average of previous years. The Verna variety will reach 205,000 tons (+136%).
Oranges as well will grow by 29.17% to 1.9 million tons, mostly thanks to the recovering of late varieties such as Nave Late-Lanelate (26,2%) or Valencia Late (42,68%). Within this group it is worth highlighting the recovery of the subgroup Navel, due to the improvement of Navelinas (+30.6%) and Navelate-Lanelate (26,2%) and - what’s most - of the subgroup Blancas, due to the impressive rise of Valencia Late (+42.68%) and Salustiana (+35.87%).
Talking of mandarins, production is expected to be 1.7 million tons, which means an increase by 12.93%. Satsumas is the subgroup growing the most (+31.2%), as well as late clementines (34,17%) or Ortanique (+29.4%). The chief Clementine variety - Clemenules - is back to average figures with a production rise by 7.73%.
Grapefruits are going to increase by 15.2% to 5,526 tons in the region of Valencia.