Productions expected to increase for apples (+ 6%) and pears (+ 1%)
Monday 07 September 2020
The Gala for apples and Beurré Bosc for pears are the most produced varieties in Switzerland (Photo:
In Switzerland, thanks to the good weather conditions, the harvests are between 10 to 15 days in advance. Apple and pear production is estimated to be on the rise.
Harvests that started earlier than usual this year, 10 to 15 days early, and are expected to last until the end of October. According to the official harvest estimate, FUS (Fruit-Union Suisse) expects a good year of pome fruit with 138,767 tonnes of apples (+ 6%) and 23,701 tonnes of pears (+ 1%).
Fruit growth is excellent, so sizes should increase by 7-8mm.
As far as apples are concerned, the Gala variety comes first, with a share of 27% of total production. For pears, Beurré Bosc is the most produced, with around 30% of total production.
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