FERRMED 20th anniversary conference in Brussels, November 13th
“+FIRRST” is the multimodal solution proposed by FERRMED association for a sustainable transportation of merchandise in Europe.
Key konclusions of FERRMED study of traffic and modal shift optimization in the EU, called “FERRMED Fast Flexible Integrated Rail-Road System of Transport +FIRRST” will be presented November 13th 9AM art he Residence Palace in Brussels, during the 20th anniversary conference of the European association.
Nowadays, railways are practically only used for point-to-point transport with complete trains. Single wagon procedures are used for bulk products, mainly mining and chemicals, but not for manufactured or agrifood products. For perishable products and those involving manufacturing processes, which require just-in-time deliveries, railway performance is not in line with shippers’ requirements.
FERRMED “Study of Traffic and Modal Shift Optimization in the EU”
Conducted during several years with more then 300 experts, the study fully demonstrates that the only way to achieve the EC targets of road traffic transfer to rail is to incorporate a system that can move isolated truck semi-trailers, swap-bodies and containers (ILUs) from and to different destinations in a fast, flexible, integrated rail-road system of transport (+FIRRST). It is a novel way of organizing intermodal rail-road transport in the form of “Mobility as a Service’’ (MaaS).
Pilot test and implementation at EU level
+FIRRST is an integrated combined transport system fully aligned with the road, as the most flexible mode, able to meet in real time the demand in all locations: Origin/Destination of the transport chain and intermediate transfers. At the anual conference, FERRMED chairman Joan Amorós will present the stakeholder alliance to promote the +FIRRST System implementation at EU level, including the corresponding pilot test.