Solarenn is offering 2 new products this season: a melon and a mini watermelon.
Monday 26 June 2023
SOLARENN offers the Petit Gris de Rennes, a green melon, slightly grayed and speckled with white. It has a unique flavor, with dark orange, melting and very sweet flesh (Photo: Solarenn/Les Jardins d'Armel).
In France, the SOLARENN cooperative (Ille-et-Vilaine) and its market gardeners have decided to diversify around varieties not commonly found in this production basin.
The SOLARENN cooperative (Ille-et-Vilaine) is now offering a new melon, the Petit Gris de Rennes, and a mini watermelon.
Petit Gris de Rennes
Part of the local heritage, this variety has been grown in the region since the 17th century. The melon is green, slightly gray and speckled with white. It has a unique flavor, with dark orange flesh that melts in the mouth and is very sweet.
The mini watermelon
A recent choice for growers. Trials began last year, and after very positive feedback from the sales department, production was launched. The mini watermelon weighs between 800g and 1kg, is much sweeter than a classic watermelon, and is seedless, making it easy for children to eat.
Volumes and availability
The area dedicated to the Petit Gris de Rennes reaches 1,500 m2, and production is expected to reach between 10 and 12 tons. Available from June to mid-September.
The area dedicated to the mini-pasteca reaches 2,000 m2 and production should reach around 20 tons this year. Available from early July to mid-September.
About the Solarenn Cooperative
The SOLARENN market-gardening cooperative (Ille-et-Vilaine, France) brings together 30 growers on over 60 hectares of greenhouses. The cooperative is the 5th largest tomato producer in France, and ranks 3rd among Breton producers. In 2022, the cooperative will have marketed (+ 3% compared with 2021): 30,000 tonnes of tomatoes, 80 tonnes of gariguette strawberries.
For more information on these products and on the SOLARENN Cooperative,
please send your request here
source : solarenn