80% of pear production in danger
Wednesday 13 June 2012
After two earthquakes that damaged orchards, warehouses and packing plants, the risk of drought threatens pear production.
The consequences of earthquakes threaten pear production.
Earthquakes have damaged irrigation on about 200,000 hectares. If these systems are not restored quickly, before the arrival of hot weather, there is a significant risk of drought. Which would cause the loss of 80% of Italian production of pears says
Cia (Confederazione italiana Agricoltori).
The region concentrates almost all the domestic production of pears and houses the IGP Pera dell Emilia Romagna. This region of Italy is the largest European producer of pears and the third in the world, behind China and the U.S.
The region concentrates almost all the domestic production of pears and houses the IGP Pera dell Emilia Romagna. This region of Italy is the largest European producer of pears and the third in the world, behind China and the U.S.
source : agi it